Blogpost 9 : Thalassophobia
Have you ever think of being stranded in the ocean and you can't do anything? Its pretty scary right .. even I can't take a dip in the sea without thinking what could I possibly touching under my feet because I dont even know if I'm going to step into something dangerous. Another thing that bothers me when I'm swimming is those monster movies of creatures in the water because the ocean has a wide space and we just can't know if something is lurking on the dark shallow parts of the water.
Thalassophobia is the term for fear of the sea and for most people who have this type of phobia is afraid of what is lurking beneath them and what lies under them. Not all fishes are beautiful because there are a lot more creepy looking ones other than those plain simple fishes because the ocean isn't fully explored yet and just by thinking of those dark parts of the ocean that are unexplored bothers my mind because you may never know what lies there.
Now searching for some articles.. I ask myself, why are people afraid of the ocean in some instances so I looked for an article that can answer my question and amazingly I saw an article by The Gimcracker on the site TheGimcrackMiscellany and the article was entitled Why We are All Afraid of Deep Water.

As I was reading through that article The Gimcracker stated that "The true fear presented here is actually going down beneath the surface into the depths, either in an ocean or a lake (lakes are almost scarier), and the jet skiing example is what happens as a result of that fear. Though filled with horror, I was able to be on top of the deep water and could probably do it again. It would be absolutely out of the question for me to actually dive into the depths and be “down there” by myself. But why is this so? As you will see, it is not due to any one fear, but a combination of all of our most common fears."
The fear of the ocean is most likely one of the most feared things by people because as what the author said is it is a combination of our common fears that is put together and become one and that result is the fear of the ocean, where things are dark ,mysterious and creepy.
Tom said here in this article is that these kind of creatures doesn't look like they are from our planet but yeah... they are. Scale worms are the subject here because they live in the deepest part of the ocean where the sun never shines.They also have mouth that can turn inside out to eat their prey.Scale worms lives somewhere that realease superheated water or mixed chemicals to provide a home for them. Lastly they crawl in the seafloor preparing for any small organisms to pass by and eat them when their guard is down so if you are down on the seafloor... BE CAREFUL OF SCALE WORMS

I agree with Tom because I saw a lot of deep sea creatures that looks more terrifying than the scale worms and there are a lot of unexplained and undiscovered creatures in the deep shallows of water and we don't know where will it come out of its hiding place and give us a visit.
Even if you are afraid of something you could also still conquer your fear. Take it from me that sometimes you could still be afraid at something and be inspired at what you fear at the same time and if you somehow get used to it you will feel that you are not afraid of it anymore.