Blogpost # 3 : Jeff the Killer and The Slenderman

So first let's start with the question "Who is Jeff the Killer?". Jeff the killer is actually from a video posted from Sesseur and made a disturbing image using photoshop and it is said that Jeff's picture is said to be haunted because they used a corpse's eye and a dog's broken jaw and because of that it added a more scary feel in the picture.
While searching for related topic on Jeff the Killer i came across and article at, the article was written by Annalee Newitz and entitled "Who is Jeff the Killer? And is his picture haunted by real death?" where they explained the history of Jeff and discussed the creepy history in the picture.
In the article they discussed first the history of Jeff that is first seen in a weird creepy video on youtube and it was photoshoped then they also explained how Jeff's picture became part in a disturbing death wherein the girl who was said to did suicide was photoshoped into Jeff's to make it more terrifying but i don't know why people do that, it is cruel and creepy on so many levels but yeah we can't tell people how to live their own life.
In this article Annalee Newitz also said that "There is a kind of "haunted Photoshop" aspect to the tale as well, with some people claiming that the final version of the Jeff the Killer face isn't Katy, but is made up of a corpse's eyes and a dog's broken jaw." near the last part of the article
On what the author said on that quote somehow bothered me because it is mixed up with different body parts of the body and the eyes are from a corpse and sometimes i wonder what crazy mind did this creator had when he did Jeff? As you can see now Jeff is popular as an internet heartthrob or something like that and the funny thing is Jeff does not only make girls scream because of fear, some scream because they are inlove with Jeff and they are just fangirling around.
While i was browsing this article called "The Slender Man Myth" which is made by Alastair Stephens on the site I am feeling creeped out at the moment because of the things im starting to learn about slenderman and here in the article the author explained mostly the myth of slenderman and parts of his history.
perpetrate hoaxes and when Victor Surge posted two photos of children with slenderman in the background which when i first saw them it creeped out the crap out of me.

The author Alastair said that "The myth takes root in the smallest crack of doubt or fear, and is perpetuated by our own desire to no longer feel afraid; we don’t want to think about the Slender Man any more, because if I think about him he will know. If we don’t think about him, he’ll wait with infinite patience until we do.
It means that slenderman will get you no matter what, if you think even one idea about him he will know and if not he will wait with infinite patience which is really terrifying because what ever you do he will find you and he will get you and if you say you are no longer afraid it just fuels up your fear for him.
Even if these you dont believe in these kinds of stories you will still be afraid because the true definition of fear is not knowing what is out there that is coming to get you.
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